Full tank of gas? Check. Map and directions? Check. Sense of adventure and drama? Most definitely check.
Here at Bing Travel, we love winding highways that ribbon themselves enticingly around the hills, up the coast, down the river, or through the side of a mountain. The best and most interesting roadways command the driver’s attention as they wend their way through serpentine switchbacks and up steep slopes, offering views of spectacular natural beauty
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A new Bing Travel slide show presents a photo gallery of 12 of these delicious roads across the globe, all of which come with a nerve-tingling hint of danger. Some of them ascend the Alps one hairpin curve at a time, others take you twisting and turning down a coastline, and still others go so high, your car will have to work harder for its oxygen.
What are your favorite crazy drives? And which roads are you too scared to drive? Share your thoughts with fellow travelers in the comments section.
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